Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Film Production Essays - Film Production, Film Genres, Film
Film Production In the period past to the 1930's, the prevalent type of filmmaking was that of the wrench camera. It is not necessarily the case that engine driven cameras were most certainly not conceivable. Notwithstanding, the engines to propel the film were huge to the point that they were just too bulky to ever be powerful. Accordingly, it was simply the cameraman who would wrench the film at a consistent rate to uncover the edges. At the point when it came to demonstrating the film, then again, engine driven projectors were very helpful, and by the 1920's a standard 24 edges for each second was built up for anticipating films. Shooting, in any case, remained unstandardized due to the inalienable variety in recording speeds, since it relied legitimately upon the cameraman. An accomplished cameraman was fit for shooting a whole film at roughly a similar speed, yet regularly varieties were made in the account speed for sensational impact. Diminishing the quantity of wrenches, for instance, uncovered less casings and therefore when anticipated at the standard 24 edges made the furious activity that described a great part of the Vaudeville film. The French movie producer Georges Melies was among the first to utilize changing settings and outfits to recount to his story. Up until that point many film were just a couple minutes long occurring on a solitary set. Changing sets and ensembles opened a tremendous scope of additional opportunities and prodded further development in the youngster industry. As the film business extended in America, producers found and expanding requirement for to set up a solitary area at which they could manufacture sets and film undisturbed. The splendid daylight, relative solidness of atmosphere, what's more, fluctuated landscape found in California made it a perfect spot to film, a lot of the purpose behind the business' focus there. During this time, films were shot on a solitary reel, coming about in filmstrips that were just 15-20 minutes. Autonomous makers spearheaded the utilization of twofold reel filmmaking during the a long time before the First World War. This permitted any longer movies and opening the entryway for additional chance, both monetarily and imaginatively, just as bringing into being the twofold reel camera that turned out to be such a symbol of film creation. The serious step forward of the 1930's was the presentation of coordinated sound and discourse in the late 1930's. First designed and appeared in the 1920's, it turned into the standard by the mid 1930's, incompletely because of the development of a gadget dependent on the radio that could viably intensify sound in the theater. At first there were two accessible frameworks with which to record sound. The first was like a phonograph, and recorded the sound to a different plate. The second, progressively well known, framework recorded the sound legitimately onto the celluloid strip. At first stable upset the filmmaking procedure, since the cameras needed to be encased to stifle the commotion of their engines and entertainers couldn't wander far from the fixed amplifiers. Be that as it may, mechanical advances before long made up for this and the sound turned into an essential piece of filmmaking. The fuse of sound into film and the subsequent cinema draw set off various mergers in Hollywood as organizations attempted to combine their capacity (and their riches). The aftereffect of these associations was the formation of the primary significant studios that overwhelmed the business for a considerable length of time, Fox Studios (later twentieth Century Fox), Leow's Incorporated (later Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer), Paramount, RKO, and Warner Brothers. These studios hoarded the business through vertical combination, which means they controlled all aspects of the creation procedure. They possessed the journalists, the executives and makers, the entertainers, the hardware and group, even the theaters. They controlled each progression and ruled Hollywood until 1948 when the U.S. Government saw them as an illicit imposing business model. It was likewise during this time shading in motion pictures got conceivable using the Technicolor framework. Technicolor was made utilizing an exceptional camera that ran three pieces of film, one in red, one in blue, and one in yellow. At the point when the three strips were united, the subsequent picture was in full shading, however the hues were every now and again exceptionally misrepresented as can be found in two such movies that were shot as such, Gone With The Wind (1939) and The Wizard of Oz (1939). The 1940's likewise denoted the start of the Italian development known as neorealism. This development concentrated on depicting the non-anecdotal parts of Italian culture for amusement, rather than a large number of the fantasy universes that were being created by Hollywood. People in the future of movie producers would seek this development as motivation for their own movies delineating their home nations in a
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Jazz Pedagogy Secondary School Music Teachers free essay sample
Jazz instructional method is anything but a necessary field of study for music training studies the territory of California and numerous different states. Numerous new music instructors, utilized as band chiefs in auxiliary schools, frequently end up coordinating a Jazz outfit with next to zero individual involvement with playing or Improvising Jazz. Jazz Is one of the most significant music instructed in broad daylight center and secondary schools (Kelly, 2013). There are a few examinations (Mantle, 2009, Milkiest, 2001 , Wetted, 2007), which show that investment and enthusiasm for state funded school Jazz band programs has kept on ascending since the sass.Moonwalk (2001) reports that, In 1960, there were 5,000 secondary school jazz groups in this nation, and in 1980 there were more than 500,000. Understudies studying English Literature, would not procure their four year college education, not to mention meet all requirements for their Single Subject Teaching Credential in English, while never considering William Shakespeare. In any case, In the territory of California, understudies studying music training can graduate and get their California State Single Subject Teaching Credential while never taking a class in Jazz contemplates. We will compose a custom paper test on Jazz Pedagogy Secondary School Music Teachers or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In California, music instructors are endowed to show music, including Jazz music, to more than 2. Million understudies in excess of 1200 center schools and 1300 secondary schools all through the state (CA Dept. Of Education 2011-12), and a significant number of them have no involvement with Jazz instructional method. Both Kelly (2013) and Milkiest (2001), concur that most music instruction majors enter the field with practically zero jazz understanding and are relied upon to be specialists (in any event according to understudies, executives, and guardians) without satisfactory help from university music education.Graduating as a music training major with no course work in jazz teaching method and no close to home involvement with jazz impromptu creation is an unlatched shortcoming in the music educational program, in the province of California. Remarking on the 1994 distribution of the US National Music Standards, Benedict, (2006, p. 18), expressed It creates the impression that, in the course of recent years, little has changed, or been addressed, as to the objectives and reasons for a music instruction program. Changing the predominant business as usual in any association, organization or government implies changing the demeanor and inclinations of the people that are in control.Those In control could be viewed as the oppressors, however not the oppressors that Paulo Fire alludes to in his fundamental book, Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Or maybe, the oppressor alludes to the authority found in the public eye, and thusly schools, that directs what and whose information is most worth having (Benedict, 2006, p. 21). In music instruction, for instance, contemplations of educational program to be specific what of everything that can possibly be instructed Is most worth educating - ? can't be dictated by experimental research and consequently are everything except disregarded in the current how to atmosphere of instrume ntal explanation (Resellers, 2005, p. ). The contrasts among hypothesis and practice are issues that can be seen through the perspective of basic hypothesis. Basic hypothesis Is a hypothesis of social change. The alma of basic scholars Is to reveal the fundamental suspicions we have about a given subject; they help and expose what shield us from understanding the genuine truth of that subject. In the expressions of Resellers, (2005, p. 17), I OFF and in this manner makes the individual the subject of their own predetermination, not an item for the doing of instrumental explanation. Basic awareness can engage individuals to take responsibility for own and aggregate interests and enable them to change those interests. A basic hypothesis of music instruction will look with endorsement on strategies that really engage understudies to have the option to and need to be musically required all through existence with music (Resellers, 2005, p. 19). Schools and colleges need to consider better approaches for encouraging their instruction majors a more extensive type of music. Instructing, what has been viewed as the standard educational plan content, isn't giving future music instructors the devices and controls they have to show Jazz pedagogy.Being a successful educator of Jazz requires the educator to be a specialist of Jazz. A careless course in Jazz teaching method won't do the trick. Future optional teachers need to take an interest in Jazz outfits. Teachers need to figure out how to ad lib and make tunes over the blues and standard harmony movements. They have to know the historical backdrop of Jazz and who the significant patrons of the work of art were and as of now are. Music teachers must overcome any barrier between band collection and Jazz culture. To be successful as instructors ? educators who can show, guide, and tutor youthful Jazz artists, and who can associate them to the network of Jazz-?music training understudies must inundate themselves in the sounds, styles, and culture of Jazz (Vole, 2005, p. 2). At first, finding out about Jazz is figuring out how to tune in. Adjusting the educational program in our schools and colleges, to permit instruction majors to investigate Jazz, implies changing the domineering thought that training music is just showing Western traditional craftsmanship music.We need to change the course index, yet in addition change the demeanor of the music workforce. The music writing instructed all things considered schools is an impression of the personnel that educates at those foundations. Despite the fact that Jazz teaching method has detonated in the course of recent years, it is indicated little regard by numerous employees in organizations of Geiger learning. We have to enable training majors and employees to change the norm of the music instruction educational plan. Jazz instruction is an indispensable piece of the music educational plan in state funded schools, in California.
Monday, August 17, 2020
Video Lesson Using Transitions
Video Lesson Using Transitions (1) Length: 2:14 Bacon. Lettuce. Tomato. Mayo. Rye bread. You know what I’m talking about, right? Sounds pretty tasty! A sandwich order easily calls for a choppy, straightforward request, but when our students are writing essays, research reports with MLA in-text citations, and other types of writing assignments, they need to include transition words. Transition words connect ideas in a logical manner and help the reader understand the central idea and supporting evidence in an assignment. Whether you’re an English language arts teacher, history teacher, science teacher, or even a school librarian, written work in your subject area is a constant occurrence, one that you’re always striving to help your students refine. Are you looking for the perfect video to introduce transitions? Or, are your students in need for a refresher on how to use transitions effectively? Look no further! Check out our animated video, Transitions. In just over two minutes, your students will learn: What transitions are Why transitions are beneficial to use in writing pieces Commonly used transition words to include in written work How to effectively insert transition words in their appropriate places How to turn a boring and confusing writing piece into an interesting and understandable one ? Here are a few discussion questions to pose to students throughout the video to promote student discourse and learning: Why is it important to add transition words in our writing pieces? What would the world be like if transition words didn’t exist? Besides the transition words included in the video, can you think of any others to easily include in your writing? Create an anchor chart of helpful transition words to use as a reference. Try out some of these fun and engaging lesson ideas to help promote the use of transition words in writing: Pair students up and provide each group with a choppy, confusing paragraph. Ask the students to rewrite the paragraph, inserting transition words and phrases where appropriate, to make the writing piece understandable and interesting. Full class activity: Place a paragraph in need of transition words on the board in sentence strips. Give each student, or group of students, a blank sentence strip and a marker. Ask the students to write a transitional word or phrase on the sentence strip, and place it in the paragraph where appropriate. If you’re teaching your students how to effectively use transitions in their research papers, don’t forget to remind them to format and cite their work as well! Here are our helpful guides on MLA style, APA format, and Chicago style format. Looking for more videos? Click here to see all of our video lessons and infographics. Bonus: Copy and paste a newly written paragraph into the EasyBib Plus plagiarism and grammar checker. The first 5 grammar suggestions are free! Also free? Our grammar guides on adverbs, conjunctions, interjections, and other parts of speech.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Community Paper - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 10 Words: 2956 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/05/23 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Community Service Essay Did you like this example? Introduction During my OB term I attended an infant/toddler safety class at PIH Hospital in the city of Whitter, CA. This class was an interesting and interactive class where expecting parents, family members, friends, and students can come to learn about the importance of infant/toddler safety. It was a crash course to inform expecting parents about their role in prevention and rescue in an infant/toddlerrs life. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Community Paper" essay for you Create order Address of Organization: PIH Health Hospital Whitter: 12401 Washington Blvd, Whitter, CA. 90602 Purpose of Organization Mission Statement Core Values. PIH ensures high-quality healthcare, without discrimination, and plays a huge part in the health and wellbeing of the communities in an ethical, safe and fiscally prudent manner. PIH values their patients first, patientrs safety, well-being and medical condition as their primary concern. Second, PIH values respect and compassion for the beliefs and needs of both patients and co-workers. Third, responsiveness because PIH strives to respond and meet the needs of its patients in a timely manner. Fourth, integrity which reflect high ethical and moral values. Fifth collaboration and innovation where teamwork plays a vital role in solving problems, and Sixth stewardship where they serve the community in a wise and financially efficient manner (PIH,2018). Infant/Toddler Safety Class. The purpose of this class is to teach important lifesaving techniques that can be crucial to saving a childrs life, for expecting parents, grandparents, friends, family and those responsible for watching the baby. It is recommended to attend this class during the 7th-9th month of pregnancy. The topics included: how to get help in an emergency, how to tell if the child is in need of immediate response, childproofing the home for safety, and how to perform CPR in a choking situation of an unconscious/conscious child. Population Served Whitter, CA. PIH Health Hospital is a nonprofit, regional hospital that serves more than two million people in Los Angeles and Orange County, even extending throughout San Gabriel Valley. This hospital serves individuals who cannot afford healthcare as well as the people in its county. Based on the 2017 census Whitter, CA. has a population of 86,838 which makes it the 94th largest city in California. More than half the population (68.2%) are either Hispanic/Latinos and about 80% of the population have graduated high school or completed a higher education. In addition, about 12% of the population under the age of 65 do not have health insurance making it difficult for them to receive the care that they need due to financial issues. These 12% may also fall into the category of being the 11.8% in poverty. The average family has about 3 people per household and a median household income of about $67,431 (Census Bureau, 2018). Demographics of The Infant/Toddler Safety Class. The class consisted of first time parents in their 30rs who were mainly Hispanic/Latinos and few African Americans and Asians. This also corresponds with the data from the Census Bureau (2018), that Hispanics make up 65.1% which is the largest population in the service area. According to the Census Bureau (2018), females make up more than 50% of the population of Whitter, CA. and the demographics in this class match that data. Most of these women had their partners accompany them as well as parents of both individuals. Health Concerns for This Population. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention CDC (2015), Hispanics are the largest ethnic minority population in the US, which is about 1 in every 6 people in the US. This ethnic group has two leading causes of death, heart disease and cancer accounting for about 2 out of 5 deaths in the US (CDC,2015). In addition, Hispanics are 24% more likely to have poorly controlled high blood pressure, 23% more likely to be obese and have 50% higher death rate from diabetes compared to white ethnic groups. Another research article states that Hispanics in the US have other health disparities such as homicide among younger men, injuries in the workforce, HIV, liver disease and some gastrointestinal dis eases (Vega,A., Rodriguez, A., and Gruskin, E., 2009). There are many reasons these numbers are so high but health care professionals and individuals in the community can work together to decrease death rates due to health issues. Hispanics are also at a higher risk for heart disease and cancer because they are 3 times less likely to be uninsured like whites (CDC,2018). Doctors and other healthcare professionals can work together to eliminate language barriers for Spanish speaking people by providing interpreters to those who need it. Education and awareness can be spread throughout these communities to help Hispanic people make better health choices. Health care professionals provide them free or low-cost health services. Professional Services Services. PIH Health Hospital in Whitter, CA. has a multispecialty medical group that provides numerous outpatient medical services, home health services/ hospice care, as well as heart, cancer, stroke, womenrs health and emergency services. PIH Health Hospital has been recognized multiple times a s the nationrs top hospital for providing quality care of its treatment and advanced technology (PIH,2018). PIH Hospital offers almost all services for every age group from acute care, urgent care, emergency care, cancer, telemetry, to newborn and pediatrics care. PIH Health also contracts with most HMO and PPO insurance plans to meet the needs of its patients. This Hospital also provides services in the community to help promote wellness and increase access to medical services. They focus on major health issues within the community such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity by providing the people with evidence-based programs and classes (PIH, 2018). Geographical and Environmental Layout Facility. PIH Health Hospital is a regional nonprofit healthcare network that serves more than 2.1 million individuals in the Los Angeles County, Orange County, as well as the San Gabriel Valley. Californiars post-World War II population is what triggered the shortages of hospital beds because many residents in the community were in need of medical help. Due to federal funding, the community came together to help build this hospital, known as Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital (PIH) of 188 beds which first opened on January 11, 1959. The tremendous support and funding came from the Hill-Burton act as well as the continuous efforts of the members in the community raising funds for healthcare. Since then PIH has worked to expand its top-quality medical services and facilities to provide quality patient care. This would not have been possible without the constant efforts and dedication from staff and leadership to putting patients first and providing quality health care to all individuals. Today, PIH serves more than two million residents in three different counties (PIH, 2018). Physical Layout. PIH Health Hospital is a very large hospital with multiple parking lots and many entrances. However, I parked in the parking lot right across the main entrance and walked across to the two sliding doors. There was a well lite sign above the entrance that said Main Entrance and guided me to the right place. Once I walked in I went to the receptionist that were sitting on the left-hand side and asked them where the infant/toddler safety classes are being held. They were extremely nice and after greeting me with a smile they gave me directions on how to get to the class. I was told to make a right at the first hallway, walk past the restrooms and elevator 3 will be on my left-hand side. I will have to take that elevator 3 down to the lower level and look for the sign that says auditorium which was on the right-hand side. This is where the class was held and the two doors leading i nto the auditorium were open as soon as I got out of the elevator and made a right. The signs are clearly labeled at this hospital, so guest do not get lost and the staff is extremely helpful in making sure everyone finds their way around the hospital. PIH also has free Wi-Fi which is easily connectable, has staff all around the hospital that is extremely helpful, and several places where individuals can get food and drinks. Accessibility. \PIH is an easily accessible hospital whether it be transportation, calling their phone line or finding their website. Before going to the class, I had looked up directions in traffic and without traffic to get an idea where the hospital was located. During this time, I found that there are many routes available via freeway or via side streets. I also noticed that there is public transportation available, but timing depends on where the individual is coming from. After reaching the hospital I saw big block signs that said PIH and I knew I had arrived. This hospital also had many different parking lots free of charge that is open to everyone. They also provide valet service and shuttles to those who require it. Apart from transportation I also found that accessing the hospital by phone was extremely easy. I had called to get information about the class I was interested in attending and my phone call was answered right away. The lady on the phone was extremely kind and answered all my questions. She made sure I understood everything clearly and also asked me if I needed any additional help before hanging up. It can be stressful when phone lines are busy, or a person has to be on hold forever to get their question answered so I thought this was a great asset to the hospital company. Lastly, the hospital website is amazing, and it is accessible from anywhere. This website is very detailed from its history to the services it provides and the efforts they continue to strive for to near excellence in providing quality patient care. The layout is simple and easily readable. In addition, there are no glitches or ads that pop up while accessing the website which makes it easy to stay focused. Many times, websites are vague and do not provide details which leaves a person with no other choice but to call the hospital directly. However, PIH hospital is accessible through online, by telephone or in person at any ti me, any day. Transportation Issues. PIH Hospital is fairly accessible to the public but can be hard to access during rush hour traffic because it is right next to the 605 freeway. This hospital is also in the middle of two major intersections, so commute would have to be planned accordingly. There are a couple of bus stops on Washington Blvd which may be beneficial to individuals who do not have a car to travel. I also noticed that PIH Hospital had many different entrances, so cars can go in and out without there being congestion. In addition, the parking at PIH is free and there are many spaces. There are also many different lots where people can park and if needed there is also a shuttle service that will provide rides to the front entrance. The parking lots are also well lit at night time, so it is easy for people to make their way around the hospital, park and go to the department they need to. Social Issues of The Population Hispanic women. According to a new report from the March of Dimes organization, Hispanic women have a higher chances of giving birth to a baby with neural tube birth defects and nearly a quarter of all Hispanic births are preterm babi es (March of Dimes, 2018). These women need to be educated on steps they can take to ensure their baby can start a healthy lifestyle and that is the goal of this March of Dimes organization. Being the fastest-growing ethnic group in the country, Hispanic women have a lower intake of folic acid which is causing brain and spinal cord defects in their babies. In addition, Hispanic women also report not taking the necessary multivitamins or supplemental nutrition for the growth of a healthy baby. This organization is established to empower moms to be and the family on healthy habits that will benefit themselves as well as their baby (March of Dimes, 2018). After reading articles on planned parenthood website, I also found out that Hispanic women lack the access to quality health care which really makes an impact on them as well as the future generation. Teen pregnancy is 1 times more likely in Hispanic women and cervical cancer than any other ethnic group. In addition, a high percentage of Hispanic women are unin sured which means they do have a regular physician to get yearly checkups (Planned Parenthood Action Fund, 2018). Organizations Communication Internal. PIH hospital has many forms of communication within the hospital network. They have phones throughout the hospital and each department has its own extension. Health care professionals can communicate through emails, work phones, intercom systems, as well as through meetings and announcements in each unit. PIH also has patient profiles and data that can be accessed from all departments involved in that patients care, for example, a patient chart can be accessed within a patients room, at the nurses station, in the labs, in the operating room, etc. This multi-communication system allows health care professionals to perform better team work and provide the quality care to all its patients. External. PIH health hospital communicates with the residents through public announcements, an informational hospital website, as well as a patient service phone number. Patient service representatives are the individuals who help patients and family members find the information they need and help them solve their problems. They connect individuals with PIH doctors and/or other departments within the hospital. PIH also works with home health services and h ospice care in case an individual needed rehabilitation services after their hospital stay (PIH,2018). There are also classes that patients can attend which take place within the hospital to better familiarize themselves with a certain topic/problem they are unaware of. All patients of PIH health have access to the PIH health portal where all medical records can be found. PIH holds great pride in ensuring quality care to all of its patients and patient satisfaction is their goal. Activities During Community Experience Activities. This infant/toddler safety class was a 2.5-hour class that started at 7:00pm and ended at 9:30pm. Our total time ended up being 3.5 hours because we helped set up the handouts at the beginning of class and helped pack up the safety gear and mannequin dolls after class. Naomi the instructor was very informative and a great presenter. She was extremely energetic and kept everyone engaged throughout the entire presentation. She also brought props and mannequins to practice stuff that she had taught in her presentation which was awesome. This allowed parents to be and family/friends of those expecting to get a hands-on experience on safety equipment. Time flew by in this infant/toddler safety class because there were many diffe rent activities that kept the audience engaged. First, there were numerous handouts laid out by the door where people enter from. These handouts contained visuals, detailed information about a certain topic, statistics for that particular topic and a copy of the entire power point presentation was also given. The power point slides were short and concise with visuals to help the parents visualize what is being taught. These power point slides also had videos with step-by-step of how to perform CPR on a conscious vs. unconscious patient (newborn or toddler). The videos looked outdated due to its quality and color, but the content was up to date with the research shown on screen. The volume was loud clear which projected to the back of the room so those sitting in the back were able to hear it clearly. The instructor also demonstrated in person some of the major topics that were being explained in the video such as car seat safety and CPR for conscious/unconscious infants or toddlers. The great thing about this class and its activit ies is that there is no registration or fees required, making it a wonderful place for anybody to learn. Program or Changes To Better Serve The Community Possible changes. The infant/toddler safety class was a very informative and interactive class to attend to help better prepare for the birth of a child. However, I feel that offering classes during the day would be a great way to spread the knowledge to expecting parents because many people may not be able to make it in the evening. There may be many underlying issues, but transportation may play a vital role in this. Public transportation is very difficult in the evening and due to the heavy traffic in Southern California, expecting parents would really be disturbed throughout the whole travel process. Another option could be providing online classes or links to videos that patients can watch to help educate themselves in case they are unable to attend these informational classes. This may also help in spreading the knowledge and education to more expecting parents because these videos and links would be accessible from any electronic device with internet. Convenience and cost are usually the two factors that play a huge role when it comes to the number of people that attend these informational sessions. References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015). Hispanic Health: Vital signs. Retrieved from March of Dimes. (2014). Health of Hispanic Moms and Babies A Growing Concern, New Report Says. Retrieved from PIH Health. (2018). Our History. Retrieved from Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Inc. (2018). Health Equity Issues for the Latino Community. Retrieved from United States Census Bureau. (2018). Quick Facts Whitter City, California. Retrieved from Vega, W. A., Rodriguez, M. A., Gruskin, E. (2009). Health Disparities in the Latino Population. Epidemiologic Reviews, 31, 99 "112.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Introduction (Summary Of The Case). Lowe’S Companies Is
Introduction (Summary of the Case) Lowe’s Companies is a Fortune 500 American company that operates a chain of retail home improvement and appliance stores in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Lowes was founded in 1946 in North Wilkesboro, North Carolina the chain has 1,840 stores in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. I work for the Lowe’s located at 1520 E 79th Ave Merrillville, IN 46410. The company’s website is Job satisfaction is essential to Lowe’s. Job satisfaction Is the positive attitude towards one’s job (Daft, p. 462). The topic of job satisfaction is important to top management because when organizations keep their workers happy it helps strengthen a company by lowering the turnover rate, increasing†¦show more content†¦They want to feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when they can perform their jobs. When there is a lack of training, the employees do not understand their job functions or what is expected of them. Poor management is creating a negative working environment and effecting employee retention. Poor management skills of the team is causing a disconnect with the employees which results in disengagement from the employees and a lack of motivation. Employee engagement means that people enjoy their jobs and are satisfied with their work conditions, contribute enthusiastically to meeting team and organizational goals and feel a sense of belonging and commitment to the organization (Daft, 2012, p. 552). Employees do not understand what is expected of them because the management team is not effectively communicating expectations. The lack of communication within the store is causing major conflicts between management and employees. The lack of communication is causing the management team to ineffectively communicate directions. According to Daft (p. 565), communication is the process by which information is exchanged and understood by two or more people. The employees are confused about their job assignments or the goal that they are working towards because of poor communication skills from the management team. Innovative Management Idea/Solution Alternate Courses of Action The first solution that I recommend to help reduce theShow MoreRelatedLowes Case Study Essay examples3044 Words  | 13 PagesExecutive Summary This general case study on Lowes will convey the conclusions drawn by our team along with our recommendations on how this company should proceed. As discussed in the introduction (1 A/B) there is one key problem with Lowes and that is the fact that they are not number one. The introduction further outlines some areas of improvement within the Lowes company such as maintaining and improving current success, increasing market share, boosting sales growth and offsetting increasingRead MoreLowes4268 Words  | 18 PagesAccounting/Financial Analysis Of Lowes Inc. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Belize Before and After Independence Free Essays
Belize has evolved since its official declaration of Independence from the United Kingdom in 1981. Before independence Belize–British Honduras–was a country that was part of an Empire; that was under the rule of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. However because of the British strategy of acquiring territories such as Belize, The United Kingdom would feed on Belize’s resources, and manipulate the country. We will write a custom essay sample on Belize Before and After Independence or any similar topic only for you Order Now This strategy left Belize crippled and underdeveloped. Prior to its Independence Belize had poor standards of living, poorly equipped schools, and below par social life. However infrastructural and technological changes have proved to be the catalyst that have improved how people live, learn at school, and their social lives. Standards of living in Belize have changed drastically over the years compared to the years before independence. The standards of living before independence were very low, almost poverty level if you may say so. People still relied on what was available to them in order to try to live a prosperous life. Because of the nature of British Honduras– Belize– at that time development in the country was little or very slow. Most people lived in very poorly constructed houses, with no heed to appearance or color . They were either made of bush sticks or board cabins, that offered no real protection from the weather and its elements. Modern furnished houses were few at that time; only necessities were most commonly found in houses such as a bed or sleeping mat and a seating room area. With a very basic kitchen most commonly found outside of the house fuelled by wood. Plumbing in those days was also very basic with mostly only cold water. Diet also differs from that of today. The years before independence food was mostly, food that was grown in backyard gardens by people; markets were unusual. Most common foods in those times were mostly beans, sweet potato, cassava, potatoes, yams, and poultry raised in back yards such as chickens and ducks. On the contrary modern day Belize has been revolutionized country with improvements in standards of living. Houses these days are those of character and distinction. The inside of the houses is planned to detail with bedrooms with comfortable bedding, wardrobes and painted with its own unique colors, bathrooms with showers with hot water, lounges indoor kitchens and quality appliances that make almost every chore in the house a mere walk over. Most houses are now built from concrete, given a pitch of modern strong roofing, sparkling windows, astounding colors according to fondness and even a well trimmed garden to finish of the look. Even though Wood cabins exist today are well built with quality and attention to the exterior is immaculate. The even have glass windows, doors and even electricity! The diet of most people have most definitely changed too in Belize years after independence, fine dining areas are available for people to go to and eat, there are more markets available in the cities to buy fresh produce of either fruits or vegetables. If they do not want to eat out, people now have the luxury of cooking quality food at home in the privacy of their own kitchens, products such as canned food or quick foods are now very common in Belize, with products such as Ramen and â€Å"Mac Cheese†, having a very supported market of mostly students or people who feel like cooking up quick meals. Education was very different in Belize during the era before independence was announced. Children attended poorly constructed schools that did not offer an adequate environment for the learners. School had poor seating, poor or no lighting, if it was too hot in class then the only thing to do was open the windows, and most children went to school without the appropriates such as books and pencils in order to do the job with the right tools. Uniforms hardly existed in those times, they were–children–allowed to put on casual clothes to take to school. Teaching subjects such History material was also that of a controversial nature, because they were mostly taught about the history of Europe and little about Belize itself and its surroundings such as Central America, The Caribbean and The Americas. Technology in the schools was under developed technology such as computers fans and so on in schools were only available in the better schools. On the other hand after independence the government has made improving education a necessity rather than priority. Children of today’s Belize enjoy a good education system that has evolved over the years. Most schools are constructed with concrete and high grade materials with most schools adopting their own unique colors that represent them as a school, with well groomed gardens. Students are now provided with chairs that have been designed with ergonomics and aesthetics in mind, not only to they get a good chair to sit on, but it is good looking too! Lighting in the classrooms has been improved, and when it’s hot the entire teacher has to say â€Å"put on the fans, or get the remote and out on the air conditioner†. Saying that most children do not have any supplies to take to school these days would be out of line, because most children carry good bags they like, they have most of the books they need to obtain the best chance of passing at school, and most importantly most if not all schools these days in Belize wear unique uniforms that represent the school as a brand and are easily distinguished by a badge that they wear, that identifies which school they come from. Teaching methods have also changed with the emphasis of teaching to be that of Belize, The Caribbean, The Americas and the rest of the world, which has been made easier by the use of technology such as computer that has improved current affairs of the children in Belize, especially with the introduction of the World Wide Web. Social Life in Belize pre independence is not one that most people who would want to live through, because socially compared to today’s hustle and bustle. Before independence the societal life of most people consisted of mainly socializing around canteens or friends houses to drink homemade alcohol, such as chicha, because company brewed alcohol was not that affordable, and were not that popular. For those who did not fancy alcoholic beverage, options were limited to mostly natural juices and coconut water, because products such as Coca-Cola were not cheap, or readily available. Clubs and Discotheques were not of high quality and importance as they are today, and fashion sense was not as it is today. Then again after independence Belize turned to their true Caribbean culture of sing and dance, with clubs that provide high quality music and alcoholic beverages that differ from Rum,Brandy,Gin and Lagers such as Belikin beers,Lighthouse lager and other beverages that differ to many tastes of people. For now alcoholic drinkers they can enjoy the good company of music and dance in clubs, with their options not just limited to natural juices, but to more choice is now available Company brands such as Coca-Cola provide a wide variety of fizzy drinks, for those seeking energy boosting drinks have choices such as Full Throttle and Red Bull. All in all the two periods between before and after independence are very different, with today being a more developed country than it was then. Never the less Belize is pretty much a country that has not fully developed yet, and I strongly believe if Belize had stayed under the rule of the Queen, it would have been better of country. How to cite Belize Before and After Independence, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Immigration and Citizenship Contract Law
Question: Discuss about the Immigration and Citizenship for Contract Law. Answer: 1A. Pursuant to section 116(1b) the minister may cancel a visa where its holder has not complied with the conditions of the visa. The condition is one that is imposed by law and it concerns work restrictions on the student visa.[1] The cancelation of Mr. Sandeeps visa has been triggered by his defiant character of not obeying the law imposed by the conditions in the student visa. It may be concede that Mr. Sandeep does not hold the student visa anymore since the visa has been completely canceled after the issuing of the noticeand even if it was existing there is still a restriction on the visa that he is not allowed to work. Further, the application he has lodged fro the partnership visa is still pending awaiting response. Mr. Sandeep can apply for Bridging visa C BVC (subclass 030).[2] This visa will allow him to continue staying in Australia, while his application for partnership visa is being. However, he will not be allowed to work under this visa and be required to apply for another bridging visa. To obtain a bridging visa which allows him to work he will have to prove that he is under certain financial hardship and that it is necessary for him to work. 1B. It is submitted that the minister may refuse the application of a visa based on the ground that there has been a breach of any law or non compliance.[3] A wanting character in this case refers to where an individual does not abide to the law of Australia. The visa refusal may have been due to the fact that there could be is sufficient reason to believe that Miss Wen chen has broken the law or is engaging in a full time work activity contrary to the provisions of the law. However it is noted that her earlier student visa still subsists but it only allows her to work for 40hours per every fortnight. Ms. Wen Chens case there has been a refusal for the partnership. She can in this situation apply for the review of such an order and while the order is being reviewed she will be automatically given a bridging visa which will allow her to stay in the country.[4] If the minister is satisfied that there is compelling need to work she will be allowed to work during this period of time. Cancellation power the Department is most likely to be employing in the NOICC The Visa that Andrew had acquired was a Permanent Employer Sponsored Visa program which had the condition that he should not leave the employment is sponsoring him. The department relied on the power bestowed upon them of cancelling a visa where a condition required by the visa has not been complied[5]or where there had been an insignificant breach of the law.[6] Is this type of cancellation mandatory? If yes, explain why; if not, on what basis could Andrew seek to avoid the cancellation? The cancellation is not a mandatory cancellation because Andrewss character has not been brought to question because of a breach of law in Australia. The cancellation is mandatory only where the department has sufficient reason to believe that the visa holder a criminal .It has been held inDai v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship[7] that the non compliance of the condition will be justified where it is shown that the holder of the visa was incapacitated from ensuring its compliance by factors beyond his control. Class RN subclass 187 Regional Skilled Migration Scheme visa allows the person holding the visa to stay in Australian with the family. It should be noted that there is no obligation that there is no obligation placed on the family members to stay in Australia. However, where such a visa is cancelled the family members of the visa holder will also be affected and will have to leave the country too. Bibliography Dai v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship Migration Act 1958(cth) Migration Regulations 1994 (cth)
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Air Force History Essays - Recipients Of The Legion Of Merit
Air Force History 1- The position of Chief Master Sergeants of the Air Force occupies the top enlisted grade, and has great responsibility and prestige in the Air Force. The objective of this background paper is to inform on the career progression, awards, and decorations of the former Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Thomas N. Barnes. In the first main point, I will trace the former CMSAF military career from Non-Commissioned Officer to Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Tier. Secondly, I will discuss the major awards and decorations of former CMSAF Thomas N. Barnes. CMSAF Thomas N. Barnes has been a significant figure in the development of Air Force History. 2- In April 1949 Chief Barnes entered the U.S. Air Force, and received his basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. After completing basic training, he attended Aircraft and Engine School and Hydraulic Specialist School at Chanute Technical Training Center, Illinois. During this time period the Soviet had controlled East Germany came into existence as the German Democratic Republic. In October 1950, he was assigned to the fourth Troop Carrier Squadron of the 62nd Troop Carrier Group at McChord Air Force Base, Washington. This was in the period when the Air Force had spent much of the 1950s training and equipping itself for a nuclear conflict. In September 1951, he transferred to Tachikawa, Japan, and continued flight engineer duties. Chief Barnes transferred in June 1952 to the 30th Air Transport Squadron, Westover Air Force Base, Mass., where he attended C-118 school and continued his flight engineer duties in that aircraft. In September 1965, he went to Fairchild Air Force Base, Wash., and continued duties as senior controller. In October 1966 he entered the F-4 Field Training Detachment at George Air Force Base, Calif., and in December 1966 went to Southeast Asia. In addition, during this time there was an extended debate resulted in the defeat of a major civil rights bill forbidding discrimination in housing and of a bill permitting states to enact right-to-work laws. The Senate also voted, in effect, to annul a provision of the 1964 Civil Rights Act that required desegregation of hospitals. In December 1967, he returned from Southeast Asia to Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas, where his duties were T-38 section line chief. During the same year, the United States had over 475,000 troops in South Vietnam. Chief Barnes was promoted to the grade of chief master sergeant on December 1, 1969, and was transferred to Headquarters Air Training Command in October 1971 to assume duties as command senior enlisted adviser. On Oct. 1, 1973, he was appointed chief master sergeant of the Air Force. At the expiration of the initial two-year tenure, he was extended for an additional year by the chief of staff. In addition, during this period, the United States withdrew its combat troops in 1973; the air force began to experiment with its first precision bombs. In February 1976, he was selected by the chief of staff to serve an unprecedented second year extension, shortly after he retired Jul. 31, 1977. Chief Barnes has made tremendous strides throughout his Air Force Career, which is highlighted and associated with his awards and honors received. Next, I will discuss some of Chief Barnes major awards and decorations. 3- Chief Barnes awards and decorations were awarded for his exhibition of extraordinary standard and conduct while in the Air Force. I will begin discussing some of his major awards and decorations in order of precedence. First, I will discuss the Legion of Merit; it was originally ranked directly below the Distinguished Service Medal in the Navy's pyramid of honor. The Legion of Merit is worth seven points on Weighted Airman Promoted System. Next, I will discuss the Meritorious Service Medal. This decoration was established by Executive Order 11448 on Jan. 16, 1969 and may be awarded to any member of the Armed Forces of the United States who distinguishes himself or herself by either outstanding achievement or meritorious service to the United States. This decoration is worth five points on the Weighted Airman Promoted System. Next, I will discuss the Air Medal award. This decoration was established by Executive Order 9158; and is awarded to U.S.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Spain and the New Laws of 1542
Spain and the New Laws of 1542 The â€Å"New Laws†of 1542 were a series of laws and regulations approved by the King of Spain in November of 1542 to regulate the Spaniards who were enslaving the natives in the Americas, particularly in Peru. The laws were extremely unpopular in the New World and directly led to a civil war in Peru. The furor was so great that eventually King Charles, fearing that he would lose his new colonies entirely, was forced to suspend many of the more unpopular aspects of the new legislation. Conquest of the New World The Americas had been discovered in 1492 by Christopher Columbus: a papal bull in 1493 divided the newly-discovered lands between Spain and Portugal. Settlers, explorers, and conquistadors of all sorts immediately began heading to the colonies, where they tortured and killed the natives by the thousands to take their lands and wealth. In 1519, Hernan Cortes conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico: about fifteen years later Francisco Pizarro defeated the Inca Empire in Peru. These native empires had much gold and silver and the men who participated became very wealthy. This, in turn, inspired more and more adventurers to come to the Americas in the hopes of joining the next expedition that would conquer and loot a native kingdom. The Encomienda System With the major native empires in Mexico and Peru in ruins, the Spanish had to put a new system of government in place. The successful conquistadors and colonial officials used the encomienda system. Under the system, an individual or family was given lands, which generally had natives living on them already. A sort of deal was implied: the new owner was responsible for the natives: he would see to their instruction in Christianity, their education and their safety. In return, the natives would supply food, gold, minerals, wood or whatever valuable commodity could be extracted from the land. The encomienda lands would pass from one generation to the next, allowing the families of the conquistadors to set themselves up like local nobility. In reality, the encomienda system was little more than slavery by another name: the natives were forced to work in fields and mines, often until they literally dropped dead. Las Casas and the Reformers Some opposed the ghastly abuses of the native population. As early as 1511 in Santo Domingo, a friar named Antonio de Montesinos asked the Spanish by what right had they invaded, enslaved, raped and robbed a people who had done them no harm. Bartolomà © de Las Casas, a Dominican priest, began asking the same questions. Las Casas, an influential man, had the ear of the king, and he told of the needless deaths of millions of Indians- who were, after all, Spanish subjects. Las Casas was quite persuasive and King Charles of Spain finally decided to do something about the murders and torture being carried out in his name. The New Laws The â€Å"New Laws,†as the legislation came to be known, provided for sweeping changes in Spain’s colonies. The natives were to be considered free, and the owners of the encomiendas could no longer demand free labor or services from them. They did need to pay a certain amount of tribute, but any extra work was to be paid for. Natives were to be treated fairly and given expanded rights. Encomiendas granted to members of the colonial bureaucracy or the clergy were to be returned to the crown immediately. The clauses of the New Laws most disturbing to the Spanish colonists were the ones that declared forfeiture of encomiendas or native laborers by those who had participated in civil wars (which was nearly all of the Spaniards in Peru) and a provision that made encomiendas not hereditary: all encomiendas would revert to the crown upon the death of the current holder. Revolt and Repeal Reaction to the New Laws was swift and drastic: all over the Spanish Americas, conquistadors and settlers were enraged. Blasco Nuà ±ez Vela, the Spanish Viceroy, arrived in the New World in early 1544 and announced that he intended to enforce the New Laws. In Peru, where the former conquistadors had the most to lose, the settlers rallied behind Gonzalo Pizarro, last of the Pizarro brothers (Hernando Pizarro was still alive but in prison in Spain). Pizarro raised an army, declaring that he would defend the rights that he and so many others had fought so hard for. At the battle of Aà ±aquito in January of 1546, Pizarro defeated Viceroy Nà ºÃƒ ±ez Vela, who died in battle. Later, an army under Pedro de la Gasca defeated Pizarro in April of 1548: Pizarro was executed. Pizarro’s revolution was put down, but the revolt had shown the King of Spain that the Spaniards in the New World (and Peru in particular) were serious about protecting their interests. Although the king felt that morally, the New Laws were the right thing to do, he feared that Peru would declare itself an independent kingdom (many of Pizarro’s followers had urged him to do just that). Charles listened to his advisors, who told him that he had better seriously tone down the New Laws or he risked losing parts of his new empire. The New Laws were suspended and a watered-down version was passed in 1552. Legacy The Spanish had a mixed record in the Americas as a colonial power. The most horrendous abuses occurred in the colonies: natives were enslaved, murdered, tortured and raped in the conquest and early part of the colonial period and later they were disenfranchised and excluded from power. Individual acts of cruelty are too numerous and dreadful to list here. Conquistadors like Pedro de Alvarado and Ambrosius Ehinger reached levels of cruelty that are nearly inconceivable to modern sentiments. As horrible as the Spanish were, there were a few enlightened souls among them, such as Bartolomà © de Las Casas and Antonio de Montesinos. These men fought diligently for native rights in Spain. Las Casas produced books on the subjects of Spanish abuses and was not shy about denouncing powerful men in the colonies. King Charles I of Spain, like Ferdinand and Isabela before him and Philip II after him, had his heart in the right place: all of these Spanish rulers demanded that the natives be treated fairly. In practice, however, the goodwill of the king was difficult to enforce. There was also an inherent conflict: the King wanted his native subjects to be happy, but the Spanish crown grew ever more dependent on the steady flow of gold and silver from the colonies, much of which was produced by slave labor in the mines. As for the New Laws, they marked an important shift in Spanish policy. The age of conquest was over: bureaucrats, not conquistadors, would hold power in the Americas. Stripping the conquistadors of their encomiendas meant nipping the burgeoning noble class in the bud. Although King Charles suspended the New Laws, he had other means of weakening the powerful New World elite and within a generation or two most of the encomiendas had reverted to the crown anyway.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Is political analysis a science, an art or some kind of hybrid Essay
Is political analysis a science, an art or some kind of hybrid - Essay Example With the passage of time, the concept of political philosophy was introduced, which supported the view of political sciences being the master of all sciences as forwarded by Aristotle (Stanford University, 2011). Hence, from understanding people’s behavior from a specific point of view of politics and governance, it was expanded to understanding the cultural, ethical and religious needs and behavior of people, which directly affects their outlook and code of life. Thus, political science was evolved, amalgamating some core areas of humanities, religious, cultural psychology, sociology, philosophy, leadership and public administration (Britannica, 2013). This expanded the application of political analysis, and it made a place in the sectors of law, communism and humanities. There are numerous researches and studies on each field mentioned above, and this depicts the richness political sciences carries in itself. Furthermore, with the increasing awareness of leadership roles and responsibilities, a considerable emphasis is been put on how people are governed and by whom (Britannica, 2013). The fact that, the end motive is the same today also, to find ways and methods to attract more people, but the government system now, can not entirely rely on theories and scientific methods for determining human behavior. As the cause and effect theory in science tells that there is a particular effect directed by a particular action, does not solely apply in political sciences. Stating the above facts, the role of science cannot be negated completely (UCLA, 1996). The empirical analysis helping political sciences to understand the emerging trend of globalization and international relations management are all the scientific tools for efficient governance. This makes it difficult to categorize political sciences as a subject of hard- science or simple arts. It can therefore, be taken as a hybrid of these two fields, where some issues are predefined while some still exist s in the grey areas (Singh, Marquette, Alolo, 2007). Understanding Political Analysis Background The implication and use of political analysis in governance and public administration has its roots from the ancient civilization, in the time of Plato and Aristotle (Nederman, 1991). The ideology behind its evolution was related in the determination of features and responsibilities for those desiring power and authority. With the Roman fall nearly thousand years back, the Greek philosophy of social and political behaviors emerges, with which the world entered in a new era of political laws and governing states. The definition of power and the rule was changed, from something that is bestowed upon to something that has to be earned (Adcock & Bevir, 2005). At that point in time, scientific observations and empirical approaches were the only tools involve in forming a government and finding people’s interest in the state government. This was the normative knowledge approach, which d etermines the definite reaction of people upon certain government policy or process. Later, a non-normative approach, based on the grounds of psychology was introduced. It takes into account hypothesis and several assumptions, whose empirical evaluation leads towards a particular finding (Adcock & Bevir, 2005). In the contemporary government system, a Model Based Approach is used, which has fragments of several models combined to make
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Comparing and Contrasting the book and movie Act of Valor Essay
Comparing and Contrasting the book and movie Act of Valor - Essay Example passionately. It is up to the Navy SEALs to find the terrorist groups and eliminate the threats. They embark on threat elimination missions in various parts of the world where their different units are stationed. The Action filled film is as captivating as it is enlightening. Unlike the common occurrence, the Act of valor film precedes the Act of Valor book. The film story writer wrote the story from a fictional original idea and the book authors borrowed their ideas and plot from the book. The book is written by Dick Couch and George Galdorisi. The book goes deep into the details in the description of the characters and the events that take place. This paper will compare and contrast the Films and the book, Act of Valor. The book is more accurate than the movie since it gives more details of the story and anyone looking for a thrilling action story should read it. Comparison and Contrast The Plot in both the book and the film is similar. The plot begins with the Navy SEALs team bein g dispatched on a rescue mission in Columbia where a U.S. CIA agent is held captive by an enemy group. The SEAL team seven is dispatched on a ship to perform the mission that is expected to be simple and fast but they later get information that there are plans underway to attack the U.S. The SEALs are then given intelligence information to embark on a global manhunt to stop the terrorists’ plan that is very well coordinated. The action moves from Chechnya shifting to the Philippines and later to Ukraine and Somalia where the SEALs conduct combat attacks to stop the terrorists. With each mission that the SEALs accomplish, a new puzzle is served to them and they are sent out to join the pieces in different parts of the world where the terrorists are stationed. The Film and the book capture the lives of the SEALs members and how the missions affect them and their families back at home. The action filled plot turns into an emotional rollercoaster once in a while when the lives an d worries of the SEALs are detailed (McCoy & Wuagh). The characters in both the movie and in the book are the same. The book writers took their ideas from the film and they were obliged to ensure that all the characters in the film appeared in the book exactly as their lives are portrayed in the film. The fact that the book is written from the screen play makes it difficult for the book writers to ignore any significant occurrence in the film. One of the greatest differences between the book and the film is the lengthy description in the book. The book has to capture the exact character image portrayed in the movie and this calls for detailed description to create a mental picture of the character’s lives and descriptions. The movie features actual Navy SEALs and the book’s description is intact on their image and lives (McCoy & Wuagh). The writers of the book enjoy the availability of time and space in the book to add more information to the lives of the characters. T he movie is time bounded and the story had to be shorter. The book in the other hand goes deeper into the details of the SEALs description and the way they handled the missions. In the book, the attacks that the SEALs engage in are vividly described, making what the film shows seem like just a sneak peak of the real event. The book illustrates every single detail of the fictitious story in a very clear way that the reader can almost visualize the experience. In the movie, the combat scenes are well
Monday, January 27, 2020
Emetic and anti-emetic drugs
Emetic and anti-emetic drugs The Necessity Humans are fundamentally animals, and in true Darwinian fashion, survival is key. The process of emesis, or vomiting, can often be regarded as a defensive mechanism adopted by humans and other animals. One example of this is using emesis to reverse the potentially deadly mistake of eating a poisonous substance. If the bodies natural defences failed to recognise the danger of the foreign toxin in the blood stream, it may be essential to induce emesis. Hence, a need for emetic drugs arose, drugs which would stimulate the bodys natural defences and promote vomiting. However, not all vomiting is a defensive reflex, such as motion sickness, or the nausea associated with pregnancy, both of which cause no biological threat to the existence of the human. The extreme emesis suffered by chemotherapy patients is another strong cause for drugs to allow control over the vomiting process, and so the necessity for anti-emetic drugs also arose. The Emetic Response The act of emesis is in fact a fairly complex one, requiring the co-ordination of the somatic respiratory and abdominal muscles, and the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. Two sections of the medulla function to regulate the event of emesis, the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) and the vomiting centre. The CTZ is located in the area postrema, on the floor of the fourth ventricle of the brain, and is sensitive to chemical stimuli present in the plasma. Many drugs can be used to counteract substances working on the CTZ, reaching the area of the brain via the blood stream. The blood-brain barrier around the CTZ is permeable, allowing drugs to act directly on it. The vomiting centre is, however, used to co-ordinate the actual event of emesis, regulating the movement of smooth and striated muscle. The CTZ transmits signals to the vomiting centre when a stimuli acts upon the CTZ, causing the activation of the emetic reflex. Emetic Drugs As previously stated, sometimes emesis is a desirable process, such as in the event of swallowing a toxic substance. It is also, perhaps [a bit irishly], necessary to promote vomiting in the test for anti-emetic drugs. The main emetic drug that is used is Ipecacuanha, which contains two substance, emetine and cephaeline, which irritate the gastrointestinal tract to cause the patient to vomit. However, migranes and indigestion are common side effects Motion Sickness Emesis can be induced without any influence from foreign substances within the body. Motion sickness is a prime example of this, and has no biological significance on the existence of humans. In the process of motion sickness, the labyrinth in the vestibular apparatus of the ear is moved in a certain way. This relays a signal to the floor of the fourth ventricle, but the mechanism of movement of the signal to the CTZ is yet unknown. It has been hypothesised that the cerebellum may possibly act as a second relay centre, but as the CTZ only responds to chemicals in the plasma, the synaptic pulses from the relay centres could not act directly upon it. However, although the mechanism of motion sickness is not yet fully known, many drugs for motion sickness have been designed, antagonising the H1 and muscarinic receptors. H1-receptor antagonists Histamine H1 receptor antagonists can prevent emesis by competing with histamine on the H1-receptor sites. The precise mechanism of action is yet unknown, but it has been thought that the administered antihistamine competitively blocks the H1-receptors of the vestibular apparatus, reducing sensitivity, and can act directly on the gut, which, in turn, relieves the vomiting associated with motion sickness. Furthermore, first-generation H1-receptor antagonist may also block the chemoreceptor trigger zone, and act on the nucleus of the solitary tract (brainstem) by crossing the blood-brain barrier, preventing vomiting in the patient. However, this treatment is mainly effective if administered before the onset of emesis, though may manage to help control emesis once it has began. As can be seem from the chemical structure opposite, the general structure of H1-receptor antagonists can be portrayed simply. Many first-generation antihistamines cause drowsiness as a very common side effect, d ue to the anticholinergic properties of the drug. However, this anticholinergic property can also act as an anti-emetic, making the first-generation antihistamine drugs more effective. Muscarinic-receptor antagonists Muscarinic receptor antagonists. Good for prevention of motion sickness. scopolamine (Transderm-Scop) Para4: (working on stomach) muscarinic receptor antagonist Side effects, ways it works, problems, structures, point out where it acts, and how the structure makes it act in that way. Explain how the drug interferes with the normal emesis process. Muscarinic-receptor antagonists (Chapter 7) Hyoscine active against nausea and vomiting caused by the stimuli of the labyrinth (ear), and against substances which act on the stomach directly, but not against things which act on the CTZ. (same as H1) Hyoscine is best agent for prevention of motion sickness, but less useful once sickness occurs. Effect peaks after 1-2 hours after ingestion, can also be given transdermally (via the skin like a nicotine patch), and is usually put behind the ear. Unwanted side effects: drowsiness, dry mouth. (other side effects can include blurring vision and retention of urine, but dont normally occur at the doses given for anti-emetic effects) Reference List: Hawthorn, Jan. Understanding and Management of Nausea and Vomiting, Blackwell Science, 1st Edition, 1995 Rang and Dale Bartholow, Roberts. Ipecacuanha, A Practical Treatise on Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Appleton and Company, 1908
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Lingnan University Student Canteen Imc Plan
MKT231 Advertising & IMC LNU Student Canteen discussion Student answers will vary and the following is a suggested framework: Targeting Benefits Sought: Needs States| Brand Offer| Personal/Brand Purpose| The rest place for Lingnan Ren: a global village where we are all equal and creativity rules Historical background: Shi Jianru, one of its former LNU students, unsuccessfully tried to assassinate the Viceroy of Guangdong and Guangxi. | Social/User Imagery| A friendly, youthful, energetic and comfortable setting.A safe haven for the free willed where everyone is equal. There is no deadline, no pulling ranks nor evaluations. No subjects are banned and only creativity rules. | Physiological/Functional attributes| Quick, convenient, economic and hygienic food and beverage services. A balanced mix of Asian and Western food items, authentic cuisines between HKD20-50 per head. | Multiple target groups should be identified. Three key target groups and their segmentation traits are discussed here using demographics, psychographics, relationship intensity and benefits sought:Student: Aged 18-24, limited affordability, prefer to spend money on experience and experimentation: e. g. hot items, travel, partying with friends. They are on the move all the time, plenty of hobby and interest but lack of time, patience and sleep. Food is a necessary routine and all they need is a temporary rest stop. Daily users. Most important user group in value and number, about 2000+. Teaching faculty and working staff: Aged 20+. Higher affordability. Comes in for lunch mainly, 12-2pm.Food is more than feeding hunger. Demand higher quality food and variety in choice. Daily users. Second largest user group in number, about 300+ and value. As they got more options and means to eat outside, their loyalty is lower. Residents living in the neighborhood/Visitors: Occasional users. Lacks loyalty. Not important group during the term but key opportunity during summer break. Lowest priority. Thus our d iscussion will focus on the student target group from now onwards. SWOT Analysis:Strength:Convenient location, Clean and CozyOctopus payment system, smart orderingFavorite place to meet your friendsGood value, $12-30 meals| Weakness:Limited choicesBad publicity due to unfriendly service| Opportunity:$6000 hand out from HK Gov'tStudents are experience driven: enjoy games ; promotionsStudents are keen on Mobile Apps. | Threat:Rising labor cost with min. wage| Positioning After considering the category drivers (low involvement, habitual repeat path driven by convenience and variety seeking), LNU unique product attributes, competitive landscape and student AIOs, the following positioning and perceptual map is created:Lingnan University Student Canteen is catering for Students who seek the quick, convenient, economic and hygienic food and beverage services with a friendly, clean, relaxing and comfortable setting because LNU canteen offers a balanced mix of Asian and Western food items, c ash free Octopus payment and Smart ordering system between HKD20-50 per head. It is better in value and more convenient over Fu Tai Chinese restaurant and Red Chamber cafe. Above all, it is a safe haven where everyone is equal. There is no deadline or evaluations.Your friend is here, your favorite music is in the air and your favorite dish is on the menu. Feel free to have a break! Perceptual Map IMC Objectives: Application of the SMART criteria and TFD framework against prioritized SWOT issues: – need to reinforce convenience and value proposition with friendly service – address need for variety with menu rotation driven by student inputs with exciting user imagery and brand purpose of LNU canteen – address bad publicity due to unfriendly service with value added promotion by proactive agenda settingInformational Achieve 95% awareness among all students on the new customer service offer i) no waiting in line pre-order service from 12:30-1:30pm with BBQ pork ric e ii) menu rotation three times per week iii) launch of tea break promotion via LNU student canteen facebook: free toast at 3:15pm for two drinks order within 30 days of launch of campaign. Attitudinal Achieve 80% customer satisfaction and My Favorite lunch place among daily student customers 6 months after the launch of campaign.Associate LNU canteen with the following attributes: FUN, Creative, Equal and student centered global village Behavioral Achieve growth of i) 15% in number of customers ii) 25% in afternoon tea break customers iii) 25% growth in average daily revenue among all LNU students by May 15, 2012. Strategies and Tactics As everything communicates, students are expected to deploy the four Rs of purposeful dialogue and four customer touch point concepts with the IMC strategies and tactics instead of grading students on creativity.The following discussions are for illustrative purpose than an exhaustive list. INTRINSICS/RECOURSE: Create easy access to duty manager to address performance issues with visible service pledge display at front service area. Proactive anticipation of student needs and wants by addressing variety seeking motive with menu rotation and reduce waiting in-line during lunch break at BBQ stand with pre-order service. COMPANY INITIATED/RESPECT: create promotions that add value to students – e. g. free finger sandwich for tea break of two and use of mobile media that student prefer.Examination period promotions: Buy one get one free coffee offer with meal box order. Active solicitation of student input to preference in menu items, music and promotion scheme through student suggestion scheme that reward constructive entries with prizes. Invite students to nominate most friendly canteen staff on monthly basis. Invite students to try new dishes of coming menu entries. Enhance meal experience with thematic promotions with special occasions: Valentine's Day, Birthdays, Anniversary celebration, Student society function and par ties etc.Example of promotion ideas: fund raising and food menu design competition for LNU societies. $10000 for the winning idea based on number of Facebook likes and purchases. Celebrate National days of different countries with special menu items and cater for the variety seeking needs. Invite student societies to stage creative or LNU event exhibits. Involve and engage real students on what they care and interested in. More research will be required. CUSTOMER INITIATED/RECOGNITION: facilitate student preference to give feedback with LNU student canteen FACEBOOK host page on anonymous basis.UNEXPECTED/RESPONSIVENESS: address negative publicity with concrete customer service pledge and put complaint into context with CAP. Message creative and Story Telling Format: As food and beverage items are largely low involvement, experience driven impulsive purchases. Demonstration in store and Emotional pitches are most effective. Media Strategies: Out of home and Interactive mobile phone m edia reflecting the student communication habits and mobile status. Examples of specific initiatives driven by rational and consistent target audience analysis will be rewarded with discretionary credits.Communication Mix: Priority should be focused on: Customer Service, Personal Selling and Packaging to reflect the service nature of QSR business and Habit/Repeat purchase pattern. On the other hand, Advertising, Promotion, Event Marketing, Publicity and Direct marketing will be critical for creating new consumption occasions with day parts beyond lunch and other special occasions like student party, society functions. Specific examples to illustrate these applications will be rewarded with discretionary credits.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
The Impact of Internet on Society
The internet was thought of back in the early 1960’s as a way for scientist to share there theories, for other computer scientists to share there knowledge of the this new thing they have created. What we call the Internet today hasn’t always been called the Internet was first thought up to be a giant network. Leonard Klienrock at MIT published the very first â€Å"packet switching theory†in July 1961. Two men named Thomas Merrill, and Lawrence G. Roberts connected TX-2 computer in Mass. to the Q-32 in California, with a low speed dial-up telephone connection, in other words created the first â€Å"wide- area network†. Internet Society) From that point on the Internet was born. People all over the world were trying to get their hands in this new accomplishment and try to clam some of it for themselves. As time goes passed things are add to this network such as scientific studies, research papers of all kinds, people started to write programs to put on her e and let people talk to each other. Companies started to advertise on the Internet by making pop up adds. Companies even started to do business on the Internet. To this day the Internet is still growing.People are using the Internet to make a living, to talk to distant relatives, or even friends talking to each other. People use the Internet by shopping online, or by even selling things online. You can even find help organizations online. Email today is pretty much the Untied States Postal Service; you don’t need to buy stamps to mail somebody a letter. You can even send someone pictures, and movies over the Internet. All you need is an email address to send anyone an email. That brings me to my first good a bad point, all you need is an email address to email anyone something.You receive almost anything in an email; from receive viruses, hate mail, junk mail, and spam. Another good impact that the Internet has made on society is online auctions. One of the most recognizable online e-trade sites is Ebay. Ebay originated in 1995. Now you can find anything from nuts and blots to a 1999, BMW 3-Series. Ebay also represents stores that include Wal-Mart, Kmart, private dealers, car dealerships, and a lot of other stores. The company in the second quarter set a new net record or brings in 110 million dollars.It was 102% over the same period last year. (USA Today) This could also be very bad to the companies that are not with Ebay that are trying to make a living off of the net. Most individual businesses don’t have the money to have Internet sites. So if there is another company that sells almost the same items and they have the money to own their own web site then that can really hurt the other companies. The Internet also helps out special organizations that want to be recognized for what they do. But for some none profit organization that is very hard.It does cost quite a bit to run and host your own web site. As Curt LaBond puts it â€Å"It canâ⠂¬â„¢t only help build a stronger society, it can atomize it. †But the Internet can also put out bad publicity for these individual organizations. (LaBond) From when the Internet was introduced there has been many good things come about. There are also bad things that came from the Internet. Many people take the Internet for granite and miss the whole meaning of the Internet. People try to harm the Internet by putting viruses out there that will shut some ones computer down.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Piaget s Theory Of Child Development Essay - 1597 Words
Focusing on children’s development and developing a proper classroom and lesson plan well help you to properly prepare and help each student in your center. Throughout this paper we will summarize Piaget’s Stage Theory, identify and describe the developmental characteristics of the age group of 2-4 years old, design and describe the physical layout of facility or classroom that aligns with Piaget’s Stage Theory, and create an activity for each developmental domain. Jean Piaget is one of the pioneers to child development, he was an important factor in the growth, development and one of the most exciting research theorists in child development. A major force in child psychology, he studied both thought processes and how they change with age. He believed that children think in fundamentally different ways from adults.. Piaget’s belief is that all species inherit the basic tendency to organize their lives and adapt to the world that’s around them, no ma tter the age. Children develop schemas as a general way of thinking or interacting with ideas and objects in the environment. Children create and develop new schemas as they grow and experience new things. Piaget has identified four major stages of cognitive development which are: sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operations, and formal operations. According to the text here are brief descriptions of each of Piaget’s stages: †¢ Sensorimotor stage (birth – 2 years old)–The child, through physical interaction withShow MoreRelatedPiaget s Theory On Child Development920 Words  | 4 PagesChildren are not simply small adults who are still growing; they learn differently and experience the world in a variation of ways that opposes adult reasoning. Piaget’s theory on child development asserts that there are four stages of cognitive development: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. Piaget also suggested that human thinking is arranged into schemes, â€Å"organized mental patterns that represent behaviors and actions†(Feldman, 2015, p. 17). These schemes areRead MorePiaget Of A Child s Brain Development Theory1057 Words  | 5 Pagesare constantly learning about new theories and expanding the knowledge on those that we already know, about the physical and mental development of Children. Through past and present theorists, we are shown whole new aspects of how a child develops to make up the being that they become. Through Piaget’s ‘Congnitive development theory’ we are shown the stages of a child’s brain development with a strong focus on the ages newborn – 11 years onwards. Piaget’s main theory is that children are able to constructRead MoreJean Piaget s Theory On Child Development2312 Words  | 10 PagesJean Piaget has introduced theories on child development from 1896-1980. He is the the most cited and most influential on cognitive development. Piaget is the foundation of current child developmental in psychology. His inspiration came from observing children’s as he even used his own. His development of the cognitive deployment focused on mental process, remembering, believing and reasoning. To help explain his theory, Piaget’s came up with Stage-bound cognitive development. â€Å"Stage-bound isRead MorePiaget s Theory Of Child Development1085 Wo rds  | 5 PagesTheories of Child Development Child development is the study of how a child’s behavior and thought processes affect their ability to develop at the proper rate. There are many factors to be considered when referring to the development of a child as children are so easily moldable. A child starts out with a blank slate and from then on their experiences, their social groups, parents, environment and so much more will take part in how they will develop. Two very influential people in psychology, SigmundRead MoreOutline the main similarities and differences between Piaget‚Äà ´s and Vygotsky‚Äà ´s explanations for cognitive development in children1702 Words  | 7 Pagesfor cognitive development in children. Piaget and Vygotsky were both, looking into the same period of cognitive development in infants and children and sharing the same basic concerns. Piaget (1896-1980) developing his theory slightly earlier than Vygotsky (1896-1934) who worked to show that there were certain flaws in Piaget s theory of genetic epistemology. Vogotsky and his social-cultural theory of cognitive development might be seen as the Soviet counterpart to Piaget s western individualistRead MoreJean Piaget And Vygotsky s Theory On Children s Cognitive Development1507 Words  | 7 Pagespsychologists, Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky, have shared their knowledge on children’s cognitive development. Both psychologists had their own vision of what stimulates and helps a child grow. Jean Piaget s theory was shaped through the thinking and understanding of how knowledge is built through a series of four stages; preoperational, sensorimotor, formal operational and concrete operational. He believed that the develo pment was with the child themselves. On the contrary, Lev Vygotsky s theory is shapedRead MorePiaget vs. Vygotsky1120 Words  | 5 PagesThe theory of cognitive development is defined as the development of the ability to think and reason. There are many theorists who have studied cognitive theories and the most famous is Jean Piaget. Cognitive development covers the physical and emotional stages of a child. The basic premise for cognitive development is to show the different stages of the development of a child so you can understand where the child might be in their development. Understanding cognitive development will betterRead MoreVygotsky And Vygotsky Theories Of Learning1257 Words  | 6 PagesTheories of learning In this essay, I will compare and contrast jean Piaget and lev Vygotsky theories of learning. First, I will discuss Piaget followed by Vygotsky then I will compare and contrast both theorists. Jean Piaget was a Swiss developmental psychologist and philosopher, he is known for his contribution to a theory of cognitive development. Piaget became interested in the reasons why children gave the wrong answers to questions that required logical thinking. He believed that these incorrectRead MoreVygotsky And Vygotsky : Early Childhood Development1683 Words  | 7 PagesRezzonico Piaget vs Vygotsky Early Childhood Development Lev Vygotsky and Jean Piaget are known in the educational world. Vygotsky and Piaget were developmental psychologists who had many of the same views and beliefs, but at the same time had opposing views. According to Jean Piaget â€Å"cognitive development was a repetitive reorganization of mental processes that derived from biological maturation in addition to environmental experiences’’ (McLeod, S. A. (2015). The child is able toRead MoreDiscuss Piagets theory of cognitive development1235 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Discuss Piaget’s theory of Cognitive Development Cognitive Development can be defined as the development of thought processes. This includes thinking, concept understanding, problem solving, and decision making and remembering from childhood on to adulthood. There are two theories of Cognitive development that offer us two different ways of understanding it. The first is called Domain general. This theory states that one line of development determines all of the changes in a child’s
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